What I do
Public lecturing
I regularly conduct public lectures on the art of perfumery, its raw materials and place in our shared history. As an often overlooked medium, scent carries the unique ability to immerse audiences directly, physically engaging them with the subject at hand.
In a time when perfume has never been of higher interest, I humbly regard myself as a public educator, helping people to better navigate a subject that can often feel hard to grasp.
Commercial events
The business of perfume is as fascinating as it is strange. On one hand, it harbors countless opportunities, each day creating new ways in which we express our identities.
On the other, its knowledge generally remains hidden, in turn underestimating the interest consumers invest in the products it produces. As this interest constantly increases, it naturally becomes imperative to communicate market values more genuinely.
Bespoke concepts
Perfume is as personal as it is universal, offering a bridge between the outer world and ourselves. Bespoke projects explore this connection on a deeper level, aimed at creating something truly unique.
Whether guiding a private client in their selection of a signature scent, or developing a fragrance concept for a special occasion or brand, I work closely with you to transform the seemingly fleeting to something with a lasting impact.